Considering an International Job Offer? A Word of AdviceNovember 24, 2024-While it may seem obvious to some, many job seekers overlook a crucial step when accepting international job offers: never resign from your current job before securing your visa from the new employer. Despite repeated warnings, countless individuals continue to fall victim to this common mistake. The allure of a new job opportunity can often...
Super Recruiters … do they exist in our universe?December 11, 2017-I believe that a simple Yes or No answer to this question will not give the subject its justice. I will eventually get back to this question once I elaborate few points on Recruitment in general and what do I mean by Super Recruiters. The reason that pushed me into writing this article was the...
An HR Calendar … Why not?October 19, 2016-As an HR leader you have a responsibility to ensure that periodical HR activities are completed within their schedule. However, if you don’t have some kind of system in place that would have you and your HR team on the same page of upcoming activities and their deadlines you will end up having to send...
The top 5 Practices that are killing your Recruitment StrategyAugust 1, 2016-Having so many years of experience in Recruitment and dealing with so many recruiters throughout my career, provided me with extensive insights and lessons learned along the way which I am always happy to share with other HR professionals. My objective in this article is to explore the most ineffective practices being currently used by...
A Visual Representation of the HR’s Life CycleJune 26, 2016-Since I have shifted my career into Human Resources, I always wanted to see visually how the different HR processes are linked and integrated and always was unable to find such representation on the internet nor dedicated my time to do this exercise myself. Having been in the HR Consulting industry for so many years,...
I am a new Department Head/Manager … now what?May 21, 2016-Throughout my experience I came across many people who have joined a new company as a Department Head or who have been recently promoted to a Manager position and in most cases they do not know what to do or where to start from. My objective in this article is to provide a simple guideline...
How to transform your department to a Strategic Partner?March 28, 2016-Setting clear objectives for a company or a department is a key factor for its success. However, given that you have clear objectives in place for your company or department, how can you be sure that these objectives are the right ones? The objective of this article is to illustrate to CEOs and Department Heads...
Hunt for your next job like a Sales professional …March 28, 2016-I have been recently very active on LinkedIn and observing updates and news from connections and it feels like there is a huge percentage of people out there on LinkedIn and elsewhere who are actively pursuing new career opportunities but unfortunately they are unaware that they are following the most ineffective ways of such. This...
How to find the business email address of any person?March 28, 2016-As the subject indicates, this article will be a step by step guideline to assist you find the business email address of professionals that you are trying to contact through email. This is a very sensitive subject and many people may not like it as they want to keep their business email address confidential and...
Unleash LinkedIn Search CapabilitiesMarch 28, 2016-My objective in this article is to provide you with insights on one of the hidden advanced searching tools in LinkedIn which is very effective in helping you narrow your LinkedIn search for people, companies, jobs, articles, groups, etc. This tool is called Boolean Search and what it does is that it allows you to...
Should you press Like when you see (XXX vacancy .. press Like or Comment to apply)?March 28, 2016-I have been recently observing so many posts on LinkedIn advertising for vacancies, WhatsApp groups, etc. and then asking people to press Like or Comment and promising to review their profile. I have no issue with seeing such posts as people are free to post what they want to post and there is no practical...
How to send a message to any LinkedIn user for free?March 28, 2016-The objective of this article is as mentioned in the subject to provide professionals using LinkedIn with an untraditional yet valuable way of sending free messages to other LinkedIn users. So I will be listing the traditional ways of sending messages on LinkedIn and after that I will get to the untraditional approach. But first...